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Environmental Policy, Quality Policy and Contribution to Communities

Company Profile

Quality Policy

TBM has remained true to our corporate philosophy of "quality first" and continues to promote initiatives to address the risks and opportunities associated with this philosophy from a customer oriented perspective.

[Basic policy]

In order to promote stable quality, all employees shall actively participate in understanding our quality management system, monitor its effectiveness, and implement continuous improvement.

[Conduct policy]

  1. Each department shall establish assessable targets for quality targets set forth by management and make every effort to achieve these targets.

  2. All employees must go through the process of confirming, reporting, notifying, consulting and remaining mindful so as to fulfill their responsibilities under the quality management system.

  3. TBM shall always take into account the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.


Environmental Policy

Based on the our slogan of "protecting our irreplaceable planet" we will cherish our beautiful, natural environment and contribute to society through proactive environmental activities.

[Basic policy]

Based on the concept of environmental conservation, our basic policy is to make efforts to promote the effective use of resources and waste management in the form of the four Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and to consider our environmental load across all stages of production, from the receipt of orders to product shipment.

[Action guidelines for environmental conservation]

  1. TBM will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, agreements, etc.

  2. We will strive to reduce CO2 emissions through creative energy conservation.

  3. We will promote the shift to the 4Rs.

  4. We will strive to reduce water consumption through appropriate use.

  5. We will strive for proper management of chemical substances.

  6. We will deliver environmentally friendly products to our customers.

  7. We will make company-wide efforts to continuously improve our environmental management system.

  8. We will actively participate in the environmental activities of local communities and related organizations.


Environmentally friendly plant (Ina Plant)

環境配慮型工場 (伊那工場) 環境配慮型工場 (伊那工場)

  • A futuristic "park" factory in harmony with the natural environment of Inadani.
  • Installation of solar power generation system. (Max. capacity 151 kw/h)